Monthly Archives: February 2013

CYCLING BY PROXY – other people’s fun

I’ve just ridden across France, up the Alps and then the whole length of New Zealand. It only took me a couple of weeks and I hardly raised a sweat. Because I did it by reading.

My own cycling recently has been limited to gentle rides to the rehearsal room.

I’ve been pleasantly tied up working on a couple of new theatre shows. You’ll doubtless hear more about them on this blog as the time to buy tickets approaches.

In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying reading about two other people’s cycling feats and had the pleasure of meeting the writers. Continue reading


Filed under Cycle touring, Writing


He's never had so much interest shown in his cycling technique.

He’s never had so much interest shown in his cycling technique.

We stood by the roadside in our thousands, wondering who would be first out of the tunnel when the Tour de France arrived at our vantage point.

The peloton was led by an unknown rider who’d somehow strayed onto the route on his way to work.

I applaud his efforts and offer him as my entry in this Weekly Photo Challenge. Continue reading


Filed under Cycling, travel photography


Oh, those Queenslanders are funny people!

You have to pay attention or you could easily miss something.

Yes, of course it was by the dog park.

Yes, of course it was by the dog park.

Outside the restaurants in the Brisbane Powerhouse.

Outside the restaurants in the Brisbane Powerhouse.

No Understanding


Filed under Art, Travel-Australia

Welcome to Jang Island, Telunas writers!

The visitors.

There’s a lot of interest in the visitors. They don’t have many on Jang Island.

We are expected.

On the rough jetty between rickety stilt houses, a guard of honour is forming. Kids from the Jang Island school beat out a deafening rhythm on hand drums as our open pancung boat pulls up and we file ashore.

Twenty students, two teachers and a visiting Australian author have come to do a writers’ camp at Telunas Beach Resort, in Indonesia’s lovely Riau Islands, a couple of hours across the water from Singapore. Each morning we set off on a different adventure. Each afternoon we gather back at Telunas to discuss and write about our experience.

There is never a shortage of material. Continue reading


Filed under Indonesia, Singapore

GONE FISHING – back soon

All quiet at Telunas Beach.

All quiet at Telunas Beach.

I’ll be out of town again for a few days, leading a writers’ camp at lovely Telunas Beach in Indonesia’s Riau Islands.

It’s one of my favourite places, and one of my favourite favourite jobs. There are no roads on Sugi Island, and few inhabitants, all of them very friendly.

My phone won’t work and I don’t expect to have an internet connection. Not much happens there, but I’m sure we’ll find plenty to write about.

Back next week to tell you how it went.

Cheers, Richard


Filed under Writing